Home / Computer Error / Python setup.py egg_info Did Not Run Successfully

Python setup.py egg_info Did Not Run Successfully

Letโ€™s talk about a situation many Python developers may find familiar: Youโ€™re all set to install a new Python package. You type in the necessary commands, hit enter, and anxiously await the installationโ€ฆ only to be met with an error. Something along the lines of python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully. Fear not! This can be a common snag, and Iโ€™m here to guide you through a successful resolution.

Python setup.py egg_info Did Not Run Successfully

TL;DR: Getting a python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error message is often an indication of an incorrect Python or package version, missing dependencies, or insufficient permissions. I strongly recommend checking your Python version, ensuring all dependencies are met, and verifying you have the necessary permissions to install the package.

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Python Versions: The First Culprit

In my experience, the first thing you should consider when you run into a python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error is your Python version. Remember, not all packages are compatible with all versions of Python.

I recommend you run python --version in your command prompt or terminal to check your current Python version. Then, visit the official documentation of the package youโ€™re trying to install to verify the version compatibility.

If your Python version doesnโ€™t match the package requirements, you can:

  • Upgrade Python: Use a package manager like pip or a tool like pyenv to install a newer Python version.
  • Use a virtual environment: Tools like virtualenv or venv let you create isolated Python environments with different versions.
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Check Your Dependencies: The Second Step

Another common cause of python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully is missing dependencies. This error can surface if the package youโ€™re trying to install requires other packages, which havenโ€™t been installed on your system yet.

Hereโ€™s what I recommend to ensure all dependencies are met:

  1. Look up the package documentation for a list of dependencies.
  2. Run pip freeze in your terminal to see all the installed packages in your environment.
  3. Install any missing dependencies using pip install <package_name>.

Verify Your Permissions: Donโ€™t Forget This Step

Last but not least, check your permissions. You might face the python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error if you lack the necessary permissions to write to the directory where Python packages are installed.

I recommend trying the following:

  • Run the command as a superuser/administrator with sudo or equivalent prefix, e.g., sudo python setup.py install.
  • Use a virtual environment where you have write permissions.
  • Change the permissions of the Python site-packages directory to allow writing.


Be careful while changing permissions or running commands as a superuser. Only do so when necessary and understand the implications.

The Importance of a Clean Environment: The Python Clean-Up

Occasionally, our Python environments can become cluttered with outdated or unused packages. These may cause conflicts or obscure the underlying issue that leads to the python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error.

Hence, I recommend performing a Python environment clean-up now and then. This can involve:

  • Updating all packages: Using pip list --outdated will show you all the packages that need an upgrade. To upgrade them, simply run pip install --upgrade <package_name>.
  • Removing unused packages: If youโ€™re using a virtual environment, itโ€™s quite easy to remove all unused packages. You can create a fresh virtual environment and only install the packages you need.
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Understanding setuptools: An Underlying Factor

The egg_info part of our troubling error message is actually tied to the Python setuptools, a library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects. When we run the command python setup.py egg_info, setuptools tries to create a metadata file for the package. If it fails, it throws the error weโ€™re facing.

While setuptools generally work smoothly, certain problems may arise, such as outdated setuptools version or conflicts with other similar tools like distutils. I recommend checking and updating setuptools with pip install --upgrade setuptools.

The Issue of PATH: An Often Overlooked Factor

Sometimes, the issue might not lie in the Python version, dependencies, permissions, or a cluttered environment. It might be as simple as Python or pip not being correctly added to your systemโ€™s PATH.

The PATH is a system variable that helps your operating system locate executables from the command line or Terminal. If Python or pip is not correctly added to the PATH, the system will not be able to find and execute them properly.

Hereโ€™s how to check and add Python/pip to PATH:

  • On Windows, you can check the PATH by opening the system environment variables (through the System Properties). If Python is not there, you can add it by editing the โ€˜Pathโ€™ variable.
  • On Linux/Mac, run echo $PATH in your Terminal to see the current PATH. You can add Python to the PATH by editing the ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file and adding export PATH="/path/to/your/python:$PATH".

Embrace the Community: Python Support Networks

Lastly, remember that Python has an incredibly supportive and active community. If youโ€™ve tried everything and the python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error still persists, donโ€™t hesitate to reach out.

I recommend posting detailed queries on platforms such as Stack Overflow, Redditโ€™s r/Python, or Pythonโ€™s own community forums. Be sure to include information such as your Python version, the package youโ€™re trying to install, the exact error message, and the troubleshooting steps youโ€™ve already taken. Chances are, youโ€™ll receive a helpful response in no time.

Additional Helpful Tips

When it comes to python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully, these are some overlooked tips:

  • Always use a virtual environment to isolate your project and avoid version conflicts.
  • Regularly update your package manager, such as pip.
  • Always check the official package documentation for installation guidelines.


Getting a python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error can be frustrating. However, the silver lining here is that itโ€™s an opportunity to learn and improve your Python development and troubleshooting skills. Always remember to check your Python version, ensure all dependencies are installed, and verify you have the necessary permissions.

Now, go forth with the newfound wisdom Iโ€™ve bestowed upon you. Troubleshoot with confidence, knowing youโ€™re fully equipped to handle the python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully error. Good luck, and happy coding!


Iโ€™ve done everything above, but Iโ€™m still facing the error. What should I do?

You might be facing a specific issue related to the package itself. Try searching for the error message along with the package name in online forums or the packageโ€™s issue tracker.

What does egg_info mean in the error message?

egg_info is a directory that setuptools creates, containing metadata about the package. The error usually means setup tools faced an issue creating this directory.

Can I avoid these errors in the future?

While itโ€™s hard to avoid all errors, following best practices like using virtual environments, regularly updating your tools, and checking package documentation can help prevent many common issues.

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